Our mission as believers in Christ is to provide a safe place for youth where they can fellowship, serve the community, strengthen their walk with Christ, and grow into future leaders of the church.

"Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it." Psalms 22:6

Youth Activities


A wonderful time for parents of younger children ages 0-4 to fellowship and for the kids to play, sing, laugh, and share in the joy of Jesus Christ.


A wonderful time for kids ages 4-14 to eat together, play, sing, laugh, and share in the joy of Jesus Christ.

Vacation Bible School (VBS)

A week of summer nights where kids ages 4-14 have the opportunity to participate in and enjoy themed skits, songs, activites, food and more centered around youth development and faith in Christ Jesus.

Youth Group

A group of youth from 7th to 12th grade that meet biweekly to have fellowship with eachother, discuss the Word, and enjoy activities such as mini golf, MWA retreat, 30 Hour Famine, Youth Sunday, Youth Breakfast, and more!

Drama Kids

Drama Kids offers unique and fun-filled drama programs across the USA and around the world to help children and young adults develop confidence, leadership, and public speaking skills.

Contact Us

Atco United

Presbyterian Church

2259 Atco Ave

Atco, NJ 08004


Phone: (856) 767-5602

Email: atcopres@aol.com

YouTube: YouTube Channel

Instagram: Instagram Page

Worship Service

Current Worship Service 

9:30 am!




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© Atco United Presbyterian Church